Blog Posts

Lead generation, conversion, support, tips and advice.

FACT: 85% of customers use this feature to find you on mobile devices. Google, Alexa, Cortana or Siri are cloud-based voice services. It is available on hundreds of millions of devices from Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Apple and third-party device manufacturers. With Voice Search, you can build natural voice experiences that offer customers a more intuitive way to interact with the technology they use every day. We...

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To develop your own mobile app: For discounts on your domain name and web hosting click here: To become a reseller and start your own business click here: See my EXP Realty website on KVCORE: For more info about EXP Realty: For any questions or support post a comment below. Find me on Social Media: ...

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Don’t get confused between being a salesperson and a customer service rep. Here’s how to give the client what they want while getting something in return. As the real estate world changes and more and more potential buyers and sellers are spending their time online, the need for the practitioner to know how to convert leads is more important than ever. As the head of a...

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Real estate leads are among the most difficult yet rewarding online leads you can work with. On the one hand, getting random strangers to trust you with assisting in buying/selling their homes is one of the most difficult things you can do as an agent. On the other hand, finding one good lead that closes a deal has the potential to pay for itself tenfold....

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A website is an essential business tool -- and every business uses its site differently. Some use it to generate instant revenue through ecommerce sales while others use it to generate leads, phone calls or physical location visits. There is one thing that every business wants to accomplish with its website: leveraging it to create more growth. There are several ways to increase your leads, sales...

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Did you know it costs a business about 5-25X more to acquire a new customer than it does to sell to an existing one? Not only that, but existing customers spend 67% more than new customers. In short, customer loyalty really pays off -- and customer loyalty programs end up paying for themselves. In light of statistics like these, businesses need to think about what they are...

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